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transpose (Array) - APIdock.Your Answer

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Ruby 2D array transpose without using built in method - Stack Overflow.Columns The Easy Way


The first three forms set the selected elements of self which may be the entire array to obj. The last three forms fill the array with the value of the given block, which is passed the absolute index of each element to be filled. Negative values of start count from the end of the array, where -1 is the last element.

If a block is given instead of an argument, returns the index of the first object for which the block returns true. Returns nil if no match is found. An Enumerator is returned if neither a block nor argument is given. Returns the first element, or the first n elements, of the array. If the array is empty, the first form returns nil , and the second form returns an empty array.

See also last for the opposite effect. Return true if this array is frozen or temporarily frozen while being sorted. See also Object frozen? Two arrays with the same content will have the same hash code and will compare using eql? Negative indices count backwards from the end of the array, where -1 is the last element. If a negative index is used, the given values will be inserted after that element, so using an index of -1 will insert the values at the end of the array.

Returns a string created by converting each element of the array to a string, separated by the given separator. Deletes every element of self for which the given block evaluates to false.

Returns the last element s of self. If the array is empty, the first form returns nil. Returns the object in ary with the maximum value. If the n argument is given, maximum n elements are returned as an array. Returns the object in ary with the minimum value. If the n argument is given, minimum n elements are returned as an array. The remaining directives also may take a count, indicating the number of array elements to convert. Spaces are ignored in the template string.

See also String unpack. If aBufferString is specified and its capacity is enough, pack uses it as the buffer and returns it. When the offset is specified by the beginning of aTemplateString , the result is filled after the offset. If original contents of aBufferString exists and it's longer than the offset, the rest of offsetOfBuffer are overwritten by the result.

If the capacity of aBufferString is not enough, pack allocates memory. When invoked with a block, yield all permutations of length n of the elements of the array, then return the array itself.

Removes the last element from self and returns it, or nil if the array is empty. If a number n is given, returns an array of the last n elements or less just like array.

See also push for the opposite effect. The length of the returned array is the product of the length of self and the argument arrays.

If given a block, product will yield all combinations and return self instead. Append — Pushes the given object s on to the end of this array. See also pop for the opposite effect. Compares obj with the second element of each contained array using obj.

Returns a new array containing the items in self for which the given block is not true. The ordering of non-rejected elements is maintained.

Deletes every element of self for which the block evaluates to true , if no changes were made returns nil. When invoked with a block, yields all repeated combinations of length n of elements from the array and then returns the array itself. The implementation makes no guarantees about the order in which the repeated combinations are yielded.

When invoked with a block, yield all repeated permutations of length n of the elements of the array, then return the array itself. The implementation makes no guarantees about the order in which the repeated permutations are yielded. Same as each , but traverses self in reverse order. If a block is given instead of an argument, returns the index of the first object for which the block returns true , starting from the last object.

If neither block nor argument is given, an Enumerator is returned instead. Returns a new array by rotating self so that the element at count is the first element of the new array. If count is negative then it rotates in the opposite direction, starting from the end of self where -1 is the last element. Rotates self in place so that the element at count comes first, and returns self. If count is negative then it rotates in the opposite direction, starting from the end of the array where -1 is the last element.

The elements are chosen by using random and unique indices into the array in order to ensure that an element doesn't repeat itself unless the array already contained duplicate elements. If the array is empty the first form returns nil and the second form returns an empty array. Returns a new array containing all elements of ary for which the given block returns a true value. Invokes the given block passing in successive elements from self , deleting elements for which the block returns a false value.

Removes the first element of self and returns it shifting all other elements down by one. Returns nil if the array is empty. If a number n is given, returns an array of the first n elements or less just like array.

See also unshift for the opposite effect. Deletes the element s given by an index optionally up to length elements or by a range. Returns the deleted object or objects , or nil if the index is out of range. The block must implement a comparison between a and b and return an integer less than 0 when b follows a , 0 when a and b are equivalent, or an integer greater than 0 when a follows b. The result is not guaranteed as stable. When comparison of two elements returns 0 , the order of the elements is unpredictable.

Sorts self in place using a set of keys generated by mapping the values in self through the given block. When two keys are equal, the order of the corresponding elements is unpredictable.

However, join and flatten is faster than sum for array of strings and array of arrays. Passes elements to the block until the block returns nil or false , then stops iterating and returns an array of all prior elements.

If called on a subclass of Array , converts the receiver to an Array object. If the length of the subarrays don't match, an IndexError is raised. It compares values using their hash and eql? Prepends objects to the front of self , moving other elements upwards. See also shift for the opposite effect.

Returns an array containing the elements in self corresponding to the given selector s. Converts any arguments to arrays, then merges elements of self with corresponding elements from each argument. This generates a sequence of ary. If the size of any argument is less than the size of the initial array, nil values are supplied.

If a block is given, it is invoked for each output array , otherwise an array of arrays is returned. Hack your world. Feed your head. Live curious. Home Core 2. Home Classes Methods. In Files array. Parent Object. Included Modules Enumerable. Files grammar. Array Arrays are ordered, integer-indexed collections of any object. This method is safe to use with mutable objects such as hashes, strings or other arrays: Array. Highest score default Date modified newest first Date created oldest first.

But, for the purposes of an exercise, there are multiple ways to do the same thing. For instance, one way which only works for square matrices! Improve this answer. Flambino Flambino Thx again! Flambino Dan Kohn Dan Kohn 5 5 silver badges 10 10 bronze badges. Tiago Tiago 2 2 bronze badges. Sign up or log in Sign up using Google.

Sign up using Facebook. Sign up using Email and Password. Post as a guest Name. Email Required, but never shown. Not the answer you're looking for? Browse other questions tagged beginner ruby matrix or ask your own question. Nice and neat. Your mileage may vary. Pingback: Ennuyer. Link dump and reboot. Phil, I agree that it would be a useful addition to Ruby.

If not on the Array class itself, at least in a core library somewhere.



Turn Rows Into Columns With The Ruby Transpose Method.How to use

    WebFeb 12,  · Array transpose implementation The Array instance returned from the method is:[[2, 10, ], [4, 12, ], [8, , ]] Explanation: In the above code, you . WebArrays are compared in an “element-wise” manner; the first element of ary is compared with the first one of other_ary using the operator, then each of the second elements, . WebApr 16,  · As already mentioned, Ruby's Array comes with a built-in #transpose method. But, for the purposes of an exercise, there are multiple ways to do the same .

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